Călare pe Urs

Regăsită-i, iată!

Ce? – Eternitatea.

E marea plecată

Cu soarele-odată

Arthur Rimbaud

În 1986

Eram cu bunica şi ne dădeam în bărci.

Ea era Titanic, eu, Nautilus.

Mâncam împreună clătite

Călare pe urs în parcul Titan cu vată pe băţ.

Mai târziu

La început de mileniu

Lumea s-a schimbat

Iar noi ne-am scufundat împreună.

Era singura noastră abilitate

În afară de frica de moarte şi mâncatul clătitelor.

Ea, ca torporul, în 2004.

Eu, în 2010,  precum căpitanul Nemo.

Eram prăpăstioşi şi ascunşi

ca florile sălbatice, din colierul de coral.

Pe oameni nu dădeam 2 bani.

Până când a venit poliţia karmei.

Ea, definitiv

pe fundul mării, în cea mai crudă dintre luni.

Eu, mai cu viteză, rampant la poalele muntelui Karma; Călare pe urs.


27 thoughts on “Călare pe Urs

    • This happens when you use the intellect on causes, clarifications and explanations. I’ll take Cuddy, you take House. Will see at the end who’s gonna Beckett laugh grounded for life and married with children.

    • Believe you or not, not everything you read on this blog is unreal. As for real persons and events, I’ve never made a lie in my whole life, but little artifice here and there – which also may be real and true, would make the story more spacey and interesting. A good storyteller like you and a good and perceptive intelectual reader will both together know what is real and what is not real. I need to blur the line between what is real and what is fake. And, believe me or not, it took me almost 6 hours to write that bullshit. But, hey, that’s me. I’ve almost felt 6 hours compressed in almost 20 minutes. Maybe here I need Vicodin. For certainly more cocaine will do. What you read now is a hallucination.

      • I’ll have to go now. Thanks that you spared some time in this night on this blog. Your commentaries were also priceless. Please feel free to stop whenever you want it. In a way, you are the twisted author of this blog. It was your suggestion 3 years ago that started this hallucination (but you wanted to say delirium, right? but you didn’t want to upset mickey, right?) We have to go now to sleep. We’re very sleepy, Oli. And very lonely. Very very lonely. Good night.

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